The Human Genetics Amplifier (HuGeAMP) is a software platform and infrastructure that aggregates, integrates, and analyzes human genetic and genomic data to spark insights into complex diseases.

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The Knowledge Portal Network (KPN) is an ecosystem of interconnected web portals that facilitate innovative and intuitive analysis and visualization of biomedical data.

The Bring Your Own Results (BYOR) service is an open-access platform that allows researchers to upload, visualize, analyze, and share their results.  Visit BYOR.SCIENCE

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Front page 2022

Knowledge Portal Network

Aging Knowledge Portal
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Association to Function Knowledge Portal
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Vision Genomics Portal
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Kidney Disease Knowledge Portal
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Autoimmune Disease Knowledge Portal
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Ocular Knowledge Portal
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Reproductive System Knowledge Portal
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Sleep Disorder Knowledge Portal
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Type 1 Diabetes Knowledge Portal
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Type 2 Diabetes Knowledge Portal
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Cardiovascular Disease Knowledge Portal
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Cerebrovascular Disease Knowledge Portal
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Common Metabolic Diseases Knowledge Portal
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Lipid Droplet Knowledge Portal
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Lung Disease Knowledge Portal
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Musculoskeletal Knowledge Portal
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Neurodegenerative Disease Knowledge Portal
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Non-Additive Genetic Effects Knowledge Portal
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Collaborate on methods
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Collaborate to create a new Knowledge Portal
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BYOR Data Pages and Portals

Pancreatic cell type-specific T2D effector gene predictions
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Rare variants with large endophenotype-derived effect sizes
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Vision Genomics Portal
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The APOL1 Portal
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Catalog of vQTLs and GxEs for cardiometabolic biomarkers
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Genetic Loci Clustering
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Curated T2D effector gene predictions
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Coronary artery disease effector gene predictions
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Effector index predictions
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Integrated Classifier T2D effector predictions
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Predicted osteoarthritis effector genes
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Contribute results
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What's new

Quality metrics charts have been added to the Variant pages! These compare the metrics of the variant of interest to the genomic or population background and include read depth, genotype quality, allele balance, and more. Additionally, this update included improvements and optimization on the backend, such as updating the data structure and adding logging functions.

Join our focus group on Thursday July 11 where we'll present the latest updates to the Knowledge Portals and gather your feedback about new features!
If you're attending the American Diabetes Association 84th Scientific Sessions, please stop by booth #549 to learn about the Common Metabolic Diseases Knowledge Portal and meet the team!
The recording of Dr. Jason Flannick's seminar, "Incorporating direct and indirect evidence into calculations of genetic support", is now available.